"Одаренные дети XXI века"

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Discovering My Own Values

At the end of your life a friend once asked, What do you hope to have happened? I thought it a great question and decided to give him a thoughtful answer, so I pocketed it for later and bought myself a month for the assignment. For a while my mind flooded with questions of plot.

[Discovering My Own Values]

[goodville news]

NASA Announces Undersea Exploration Mission

An international team of aquanauts will travel again to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean to simulate a visit to an asteroid in the 16th expedition of NASA Extreme Environment Mission Operations (NEEMO).

[NASA Announces Undersea Exploration Mission]

[goodville news]

Student Goes From Homeless to Harvard

Despite being abandoned to homelessness by her parents, Dawn Loggins worked as a high school custodian by day and studied hard by night to become the first person from her school to ever be admitted to Harvard.

[Student Goes From Homeless to Harvard]

[goodville news]

5 Reasons Why Meditation Beats an iPhone

People buy iPhones to be universally connected and have a ton of cool functions and features at their fingertips. But as the wise monk Rev. Heng Sure once said, everything we create in silicon already exists in carbon. Id add that the silicon technology is a poor facsimile at best.

[5 Reasons Why Meditation Beats an iPhone]

[goodville news]

Nintendo Unveils Wii U Console

Nintendo Co. on Tuesday unveiled details of its Wii U videogame console to be launched late this year, featuring a tablet computer-like controller with touch-sensitive panel.

[Nintendo Unveils Wii U Console]

[goodville news]