Wiki-статья "Healthy Food"

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"Healthy Food"

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Eating is one the most important events in everyone’s life. We enjoy eating - it’s part of who we are and part of our culture; in fact, eating is the hottest universal topic of all times. We depend on eating: the foods we eat are the sole source of our energy and nutrition. We know so much about eating: we are born with the desire to eat and grown up with rich traditions of eating. But we also know so little about eating - about how the foods we eat everyday affect our health. We are more confused than ever about the link between diet and health: margarine is healthier than butter or not; a little alcohol will keep heart attacks at bay but cause breast cancer; dietary vitamin antioxidants can prevent lung cancer or can not. Eating is a paradox and a mystery that our ancestors tried and modern scientists are trying to solve.

Based on experiences and traditions, our ancestors have used foods and plant materials to treat various kinds of illness. Manuscripts discovered from a tomb (dated 168 B.C.) in China described prescriptions for 52 ailments with herbs, grains, legumes, vegetables, animal parts, and minerals. Ancient Sumerians recorded the use of 250 medicinal plants on tablets five thousand years ago. Today, plant and food remedies are still the major medicinal source for 80% of the world’s population.


- Choose liquid oils for cooking instead of solid fats that can be high in saturated and trans fats. Olive oil is always a good choice.
- Choose water, natural fruit and vegetable juices instead of sodas and empty calorie drinks. Avoid drinks with artificial sweeteners. 
- Avoid buying snack foods and desserts like chips, cookies, cakes, and full-fat ice cream.
- Buy the healthy foods that are available in your area and that are affordable. Your budget is important and there is no need to add stress to your life by buying foods you can‘t really afford. There are plenty of nutritious foods available to fit every budget.
- Consider trying vegetarian recipes. Sometimes you just don't know how good vegetables can taste until you come across that perfect recipe. 
- Buy foods that you and your family will enjoy, that taste good and that you can use in many recipes. There are dozens of ways to cook the same foods to make them attractive and different. Do you know how many recipes there are just for chicken alone?



Eat only at the table. Don’t eat on the couch or at the kitchen counter.

Don’t work while eating. Separate all of your activities from your meals, so you can concentrate on what and how much you’re eating.

Eat slowly and chew each bite completely to decrease your appetite.

Don’t eat anything for the last three or four hours of your day. Once you’ve had dinner, be done for the night.

Read labels carefully. Some low fat items are very high in calories.

Serve yourself normal portions of food. Three ounces of meat or a half cup of rice are plenty in one meal.

Eat three small meals and two snacks daily instead of two or three huge meals.

Don’t starve yourself! Skipping meals only tricks your body into thinking its survival is threatened, and it will hold onto its fat stores for dear life.

Don’t nibble on things throughout the day. Some tidbits contain hundreds of calories.

Use a smaller plate than usual for dinner. You’ll feel like you ate more than you actually did.

Normaly people’s needs of caffeine and sugar increase during the afternoon. Have some fruit, yogurt or crackers on hand to combat this.



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